Mr. Yervant Zorian, PhD (Synopsys, USA) receives the prestigious title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Award Ceremony was delivered in the presence of the TUCN Rector and the TUCN Senate

Prof.Yervant Zorian, PhD, TUCN DHC
Synopsys (USA)

 The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN) had the honor to award the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Yervant Zorian, PhD (Synopsys, USA), one of the world's leading specialists in the field of integrated circuit design and testing. The festive ceremony took place on Friday, May 17, 2024, in Aula HUB UTCN, str. George Barițiu nr. 4-8, in the presence of the Rector, Senate Members of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the guests at this event.
 Mr. Yervant Zorian receives this prestigious title as a sign of high recognition and appreciation of his scientific, academic, professional excellence and contributions to the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, as well as for the relevance of his professional and academic notoriety. The Laudatio speech at the solemn ceremony was delivered by Prof. Eng. Liviu Miclea, PhD, Vice-President of the TUCN Senate. For the prestigious audience, after the award ceremony, Dr. Yervant Zorian held the lecture "The challenges of Silicon Health", focusing on the impact of emergent technologies such as AI and quantum computing in his field of activity.
Mr. Yervant Zorian, PhD is a member of renowned professional associations as IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – an international non-profit organization supporting the development of electricity-based technologies, considered one of the largest body of professionals in the world, based in New York, United States. He is also present on the board of several international conferences and committees that periodically organize scientific events in the world, in the electronic technologies domain. During 2006-2024,  Mr. Yervant held the position of Honorary Chair of the IEEE-TTTC AQTR Conferences organized by the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Automation Department within TUCN. Over time, Mr. Yervant Zorian has been a member of numerous executive boards in the field of electronic and electrical technologies. His professional activity is strongly impacting the higher education in his specialization as a Deputy-Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and as a PhD supervisor at several universities around the world.
Photo The TUCN Senate President, prof. Nicoale Burnete, prof. Yervant Zorian, DHC and TUCN Rector, prof. Vasile Topa
 Author of four representative volumes in the field of electronic technologies, Mr. Yervant Zorian is co-authoring numerous scientific articles in various high impact publications. At the same time, he is active in various academic and professional forums in the world, especially in Canada and Armenia. Throughout his professional career, Mr. Yervant Zorian, PhD achieved to patent, as author, over 45 inventions in his area of expertise.
Mr. Yervant Zorian, Phd - TUCN DHC Award Ceremony 
Details republished from the TUCN website:


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